Diabetes Care at School: Bridging the Gap

Salus Education, LLC

Diabetes Care at School: Bridging the Gap is an excellent Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) program that can also be used by parents to help educate their child’s school staff about delivering the best diabetes care at school. The CNE program comes with two CDs and a workbook. The first CD contains the CNE material, and the second CD contains learning activities for school staff members. Content is up to date, with sections devoted to insulin pump therapy and disaster preparedness, for example. The content of each chapter is concise, easy-to-read, and well written. School nurses seeking to learn more about caring for children with diabetes will find this program to be very helpful. Parents may wish to encourage their schools to obtain a copy. The program can be ordered online. Highly recommended.

Workbook and CD course. $95.

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