Wednesday Focus Groups and Product Theaters

Wednesday is for focus groups and product theaters. To help you plan your day, we've listed Wednesday's sessions below. Some focus groups require pre-registration. Use the links provided to sign up.

Sessions are listed by time and room order to make it easier for you to find them.

9:00 - 10:00 am


The Next Chapter: Preparing for College with [The] Diabetes [Link]

Are you a higher schooler (ages 15+) thinking about going to college or a parent/caregiver of a young adult (ages 15+) considering college? The Diabetes Link is creating a NEW “Off to College” workbook and we need YOU! Think Vision Board meets Bullet Journal meets Dorm Pack List with a diabetes twist. Join our focus group and tell us how WE can best support YOU on your journey to college and beyond.

Monterrey 2-3


Meet Sequel and twiist™

Join us for an exclusive introduction to Sequel and our breakthrough AID system coming soon—the twiist™ Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) system powered by Tidepool. Explore the origins, features, and motivations driving this ground-breaking innovation. Be among the first to uncover its exciting potential.

Monterrey 1

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Dancing for Diabetes

Join the team from Touched by Type 1 in this fun and energizing dance session! Participants will dance and learn choreography to a short, upbeat routine - no dance experience necessary!



First Timers Orientation

Welcome to Friends for Life! The CWD First Timers Team will help guide you through what to expect throughout the week of your first FFL! (Please note that all YOUTH should attend the youth programming and not this session.) Sponsored by Dexcom.

Coronado H

11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Medtronic Focus Group: Transitioning to New Technology

Medtronic is inviting individuals who transitioned to new technology (new CGM or insulin pump) in the last year to join us for a discussion about why you made the change. We’d love to hear what encouraged you to make the change and what key considerations played into your product decision. Pre-registration required.

Monterrey 1


When the Arrows go Down: Preparing for Severe Lows

No matter how carefully you manage your blood sugar, anyone living with type 1 diabetes can experience unexpected severe hypoglycemia, known as “severe lows.” If left untreated, severe lows can result in life-threatening symptoms, confusion, seizures, unconsciousness, and death. During this session, the mother-and-daughter duo, Cami and Macey, 14-year-old living with type 1 diabetes, share their firsthand experiences handling Macey’s four severe lows, including her experience self-administering Gvoke HypoPen® (glucagon injection) in certain situations. Together, they also share how they worked together to foster type 1 diabetes independence in Macey since day one and how her responsibilities have evolved as she’s grown into adolescence. Panel moderator Kenny, who also lives with type 1 diabetes and is a diabetes educator, will reflect on his very first severe low experience, which occurred at a CWD conference when he was 15, and how having Gvoke® gives him peace of mind as a new father.

Monterrey 2-3


What’s the big deal about clinical trials? May not be what you think.

Successful regulatory approval of a medical product requires well-designed, tightly-controlled investigation, including volunteers who participate, often for the benefit of access to medical innovation and helping other patients. If, however, patients are not invited by their healthcare providers or do not have access to clinical research, then their understanding about the importance of clinical trials is limited. Walgreens is taking action. We are inviting patients to be a part of scientific advancements to help bring forward meaningful change.

Coronado J


Meet Tandem Mobi: The Tiny Pump for Big Dreamers

This product theater will discuss Tandem Mobi, the world’s smallest, durable automated insulin delivery system,1 from Tandem Diabetes Care. The presentation will be led by Leah Fuller, Sr. Medical Science Liaison Manager for Tandem Diabetes Care — who also lives with type 1 diabetes. Like the t:slim X2 pump, Tandem Mobi is powered by Control-IQ technology, which can help keep glucose levels in range by using CGM* values to predict 30 minutes ahead and automatically adjusting insulin delivery every 5 minutes. It also leverages an automatic correction bolus,† which can be optimized by the user by simply changing correction factor. Tandem Mobi is fully controllable via a mobile app on personal, compatible iPhone,‡ and is so small that it can be worn almost anywhere,§ giving greater discretion, comfort, and options for how people with diabetes manage their therapy. Come learn about the latest innovation in automated insulin delivery.

Coronado M


Ask the Scientist: Advancing Breakthroughs

We’re here to make every day with type 1 diabetes better, and we won’t stop until the condition is a thing of the past. Join us to learn more about exciting breakthroughs in disease modifying therapies – like Tzield, which can delay the onset of T1D. This is your opportunity to get your questions answered from a member of our Research team! To show our appreciation, attendees will receive a special edition stainless steel tumbler.

Coronado N


Omnipod: Simplifying Life with Diabetes

We want to better understand your unique needs as parents and/or caregivers of children living with diabetes and what you – and they – are looking for to simplify life with diabetes.

Participants do not need to be current Omnipod® users. Preregistration does not guarantee attendance. Preregistration is required. You will receive email confirmation if we can accommodate you. Limited to 10 people.


Abbott Logo

Meet our newest FreeStyle Libre systems sensors

History of glucose monitoring, Abbott’s evolution, and our newest sensors.

Durango 1


TZIELD: A Patient’s Journey

Please join our TZIELD panel where you can hear a first-hand experience from an actual patient and caregiver with special guests including a COMPASS Navigator to discuss program benefits and how we are here to help you every step of the way!

Durango 2


Type AUSome - Navigating Friends for Life on the Spectrum

Children with Diabetes welcomes families and attendees with Neurodiversity and thinks that they are Type AuSome! Join us as we take a deep dive into the annual Friends for Life conference. We know that traveling with neurodiversity can present some challenges and we are ready to assist! We will use our Social Stories as our exploration maps into the prehistoric adventure of Friends for Life! This session will help you make plans for transition planning at the conference, alert you to events that have particularly large crowds and loud noises, and describe quiet places where you can take a break. Our expert accommodation tour guides from the Sunflower Team are here to help you make this the best week ever! Please note: this session focuses mostly on how to be successful during the Friends for Life conference week and will not include significant content about the broader topics of neurodiversity, autism, disability, and diabetes.

Coronado H

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University of Florida Diabetes Institute – Clinical & Research Update

Join our esteemed group of world-renowned clinicians and researchers for an opportunity to delve into the latest updates in the field. Engage in one-on-one discussions about Type 1 diabetes care and research, gaining invaluable insights and knowledge.

Coronado K

1:30 - 2:30 pm


Medtronic Product Theater: A Day in the Life With(out) Diabetes?

Dr. Jennifer McVean will provide a brief overview of the MiniMed™ 780G system, including how it works, how it can help reduce the burden of managing glucose levels after meals, and the latest real-world feedback. She will then bring Jenny, and her son Jacob, 11, up to walk through their experience on the system - both during a typical school day, and on days when the schedule gets turned upside down.

Monterrey 1


From Prehistoric Times to Present Day: The Evolution of Diabetes Technology

Join Dexcom as we host a presentation and panel discussion focused on Dexcom G7, connected insulin pumps, smart insulin pens, and apps. Dexcom G7 is the latest real-time continuous glucose monitoring (RT-CGM) device available from Dexcom. Learn more about Dexcom G7 CGM technology and options for connected devices; insulin pumps, smart insulin pens, and apps. The program will include a panel discussion from Dexcom’s own Dr. Thomas Grace (wears Dexcom G6/Omnipod), Jami Klein, RN, BSN, CDCES (wears Dexcom G7/Tandem) and Chelsea Lugone, FNP-BC, CDCES (wears Dexcom G7/Beta Bionics) Upon completion of the program, you should be able to:

  • Identify ways to optimize Dexcom G7 features
  • Understand differences in connected partner options
  • Learn ways to individualize and optimize your connected diabetes technologies

Monterrey 2-3


Innovate with us: Help design your ideal training for diabetes technology

You are the experts, and we want to learn from you! At Sequel we believe in building better solutions for people living with diabetes. We value the lived experience of the diabetes community, and we want to ensure that our device, training, and support are world-class and focused on the real-world needs of people living with diabetes and their caregivers. We are building the capacity to deliver a range of solutions from immediate digital access to a scheduled, live, one-on-one. We can deliver 3D immersive experiences, virtual reality, interactive chatbots, virtual or in-person training, but we only want to do it in a way that makes sense and helps you. Sequel invites you to join us on the ground floor, with proven and tested technology from the most inventive force in the industry. Help us build the most engaging, supportive, and meaningful experience for people living with diabetes and their caregivers.

Coronado J


Meet Tandem Mobi: The Tiny Pump for Big Dreamers

This product theater will discuss Tandem Mobi, the world’s smallest, durable automated insulin delivery system,1 from Tandem Diabetes Care. The presentation will be led by Leah Fuller, Sr. Medical Science Liaison Manager for Tandem Diabetes Care — who also lives with type 1 diabetes. Like the t:slim X2 pump, Tandem Mobi is powered by Control-IQ technology, which can help keep glucose levels in range by using CGM* values to predict 30 minutes ahead and automatically adjusting insulin delivery every 5 minutes. It also leverages an automatic correction bolus,† which can be optimized by the user by simply changing correction factor. Tandem Mobi is fully controllable via a mobile app on personal, compatible iPhone,‡ and is so small that it can be worn almost anywhere,§ giving greater discretion, comfort, and options for how people with diabetes manage their therapy. Come learn about the latest innovation in automated insulin delivery.

Coronado M


Imagine a world with a no-needle CGM – an interactive discussion with Know Labs.

Know Labs is a developer of non-invasive medical diagnostics technology, currently developing the world’s first FDA-cleared non-invasive CGM. Their KnowU™, wearable non-invasive CGM was announced in February of this year and is currently undergoing testing among people with T1D in ‘real-world’ environments – in their home, at the gym, out to eat, and just generally throughout their day. Join us for a discussion with the team at Know Labs where you’ll have the chance to wear and interact with the KnowU™ device, ask any questions you’d like answered, and help the Know Labs team ensure they get it right. Come co-create with us!

Coronado N

Abbott Logo

Coping and Communication Across 23 Years of T1D

Hannah will share how she has coped with diabetes and managed communication with her family over the past 23 years; ranging from being a kid, to teen, to college student, to young adult

Durango 1


Stronger Together: The Power of Community in Navigating T1D

Join Sanofi and a panel of T1D social figures as they discuss how finding community and building connections have helped them navigate their T1D journeys – and how they’ve learned to raise their own voices while inspiring others to share theirs.

Durango 2


Omnipod: Calling All Podders

The devices you wear is an extremely personal choice and we feel pod-sitively honored that you have/your loved one has chosen to wear Omnipod®.

We strive to make every interaction meaningful whether it’s sharing tips from another user on our social media to our email onboarding series, the way we organize information on our website, and even our Pod Squad program. Join this focus group to talk about how you want to engage with us. Preregistration does not guarantee attendance. Preregistration is required. You will receive email confirmation if we can accommodate you. Limited to 20 people.


3:30 - 4:30 pm


Be Prepared With BAQSIMI

If your child is on insulin, you and the people they count on need to be prepared for a low blood sugar emergency— BAQSIMI is a dry nasal spray that can be used by those around your child to help them in a low blood sugar emergency. Low blood sugar emergencies can be unpredictable, but BAQSIMI can help you and your child be prepared. Please join us to learn more about being prepared with BAQSIMI, where you can hear from special guests and their experiences with the #1 prescribed glucagon in the US. For indications and usage and important safety information, please visit

Monterrey 1


Dexcom G7 & Connected Partners: Individualizing and Optimizing Your Diabetes Tech

Join Dexcom’s own, Dr. Thomas Grace (PWD since age 3 & diabetologist) who will present on the journey of where diabetes technology started to present day options A professional and personal look back at how diabetes technology has advanced including the impact on health outcomes and quality of life. Discussion on how these impacts affect both the person with diabetes and their support persons. Tips for diabetes technology, with a portion of the discussion focused on Dexcom G7 real-time continuous glucose monitoring (RT-CGM) device. Upon completion of the program, you should be able to:

  • Gain insight into how diabetes technology has advanced over the last 3-4 decades
  • Learn ways to enhance diabetes management/care by using diabetes technologies
  • Understand diabetes technology advancements impact on health and quality of life

Monterrey 2-3


Looping with a twiist™

In this session, attendees will explore the DIY roots of the looping community and learn about it's remarkable evolution. They will learn how Sequel Med Tech has embraced this innovation and paired it with a new innovative Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) system called twiist™. With this innovation, the benefits of looping will be more broadly available so that a wider variety of people living with diabetes can benefit from them. Participants will then have an opportunity to share their own T1D experiences and work together to explore their hopes for future twiists on looping. As a thank you for your time and valuable insights, participants will receive a gift card.

Coronado M


Safe Zone for Significant Others

This session is only for significant others of people with diabetes. Being the significant other of someone with diabetes can feel like it has as many highs and lows as diabetes does! Join Matt Point for an open and honest discussion on the questions, concerns, and joys of partnership with diabetes. Sponsored by Breakthrough T1D.

Durango 1


Breaking News with Adam Schefter: Notes from the Field on Staying Active with T1D

Join Sanofi and sports reporter Adam Schefter for a fireside chat with a panel of T1D advocates who will discuss how they stay active and on top of their games while managing the complexities of living with and caring for someone with T1D.

Durango 2


Omnipod® 5: Ask the Expert

Join Insulet’s Medical Affairs Manager Brenda Ferris as she answers our users’ most pressing questions about the Omnipod 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System. Plus, hear firsthand from an Omnipod 5 user regarding their insights and experience. Brenda Ferris is an RD, CDCES and Manager of Medical Affairs with Insulet Corporation. In her role, Brenda focuses on clinical education. She has been with Insulet for over 17 years.


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The iLet Bionic Pancreas in the Wild: Real-world Performance in the First Year

Ed Damiano, PhD, founder and Chairman of Beta Bionics, will discuss the real-world performance of the iLet Bionic Pancreas over the past year since FDA approval.

Coronado H


Diabetes Advocacy: These Artifacts

Dig up a little about DPAC: who we are, what we do, and the importance of advocating for the diabetes community. Grab a snack and get involved! Come get to know us, share your stories, and learn what we can do for you and unearth the facts of diabetes advocacy!

Coronado K