Children with Diabetes presents
Does your diabetes need a boost? A little revitalization? Come join the CWD team for our Friends for Life: Spring Refuel 2021, where the focus is refueling our diabetes plan.
Has the last year felt like an emotional solar coaster? Help Nep-tune out the negativity of the last year and Sa-turn any frowns upside down by connecting with the diabetes community for an event that will leave you feeling out of this world.
... all puns aside, at Friends for Life Spring, our team will bring families like yours the science-based information you need from the world-renowned speakers in the diabetes community, to help you thrive with diabetes. Friday night will open with our exhibit hall, an advocacy-related keynote presentation, and then an open hallway to connect with friends. Saturday is focused on mental and physical well being, with topics like stress, starting (or continuing) a fun exercise routine, and nutrition needs offered throughout the day. Sunday has an advocacy focus, with speakers and presentations aimed at advocating for yourself, your family, and your community. Each day will include open hallways for casual connections, an info desk for questions, and time to visit with our amazing sponsors in the exhibit halls.
Grab your glucose meteor ... meter and your computer and join us for a ZOOM through the diabetes space. We'll planet some seeds to help grow some healthy diabetes habits, make some new friends, and learn from some of the best diabetes speakers in the solar system. Chances star that you'll feel refueled by the time the weekend is over, and your diabetes will thank you for it.
The conference may be virtual, but the friends are for life!
Registering for the Conference
Every conference participant needs to register for the conference
This dynamic weekend program is designed to offer time to connect with our sponsors and take in a keynote presentation on Friday, and a variety of educational sessions all day Saturday and Sunday. Following sessions, late afternoon and into the evening, there will be free time with open Zoom meeting rooms, where adults, parents, tweens, and teens can connect and talk. Some of our CWD friends and faculty will be dropping by the Zoom rooms throughout the weekend, so be on the lookout for special guests!
Should I Attend?
YES! CWD has invited some of the top experts in the research and clinical care to share their ideas with you. In addition to the scheduled presentations, the conference faculty will be available for Q&A during their presentations, as well as in open Zoom meeting rooms throughout the weekend. Our faculty are very approachable - don't be shy about asking questions! This is a time to discuss anything on your mind relating to diabetes management. FFL Spring Refuel is an intimate digital opportunity to network, share ideas, and interact with CWD's wonderful and caring professionals ... from the comfort of your home.

Get in the Spirit for Friends for Life Spring Refuel 2021
Virtual FFL Zoom Backgrounds
We've made some Zoom backgrounds for you to use during Friends for Life Spring Refuel 2021.
Print Your Own FFL Bracelets
Green, Orange, and Yellow - ready to print, cut out, and wear during Friends for Life Spring Refuel 2021
Is FFL just for children and their families?
Friends for Life® began when Laura Billetdeaux asked CWD families if they wanted to vacation together. That annual gathering turned into the conference it is today, and includes T1 adults, grandparents teens, tweens and toddlers, and siblings.
But Friends for Life is not just for children. Friends for Life brings together all kinds of people impacted by diabetes, providing support and education for children, adults, caregivers, spouses, and friends. There's no limit to our community, or the inspiration you'll find there.
During the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the necessary move to bring Friends for Life to our community virtually, increasing access to information and support while we wait to connect again in-person.
Thinking about attending? There's something for everyone, from the newly diagnosed family to the folks who have been living with diabetes for decades. Come join our Friends for Life Spring Refuel 2021 event, where we can cozy up to our computers, finding friends for life one keystroke at a time.

Families & Individuals
with type 1 diabetes including toddlers, tweens, teens, and young adults, including siblings

Adults with T1D
and their significant others, children, and friends

Grandparents & Other Caregivers
who are supporting their family members with type 1 diabetes

who, even though they don't have diabetes, they still live with diabetes

Health Care Professionals
who work with type 1 diabetes (CEUs are not offered)
" Sometimes, when days are kind of rough, I’ll put on a green bracelet to remind myself that I am not alone. "
Conference Schedule at a Glance
FRIDAY, March 19
Visit the Exhibit Hall from 5 pm - 8:00 pm ET
Advocacy Keynote at 8 pm ET
SATURDAY, March 20, 2021 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Focus on physical health and mental well-being. Youth programming. Exciting sponsor sessions. Open hallways to connect with your Fiffles.
SUNDAY, March 21, 2021 - 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Advocacy programming, capped by a community closing keynote. Youth programming. Exciting sponsor sessions. Open hallways to connect with your Fiffles.