Gold Sponsor of Virtual Friends for Life Orlando 2020
Virtual Friends for Life Orlando 2020 Booth
Live Exhibition Hall Hours (All Times Eastern US)
Wednesday, July 15: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Thursday, July 16: 8:00 - 9:00 am, 12:30 - 1:30 pm, 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Friday, July 17: 8:00 - 9:00 am and 12:30 - 2:00 pm
Wednesday Sessions

Focus Group: Next Generation Omnipod® System*
The next generation Omnipod® System is currently in pivotal trials. Our new system has been designed to simplify life for people living with or caring for someone with diabetes and we want your input. Sign up to learn more and provide important feedback that will help Omnipod® improve the lives of individuals with insulin-requiring diabetes across the globe.
(*to participate you cannot be a current Omnipod customer and must be willing to sign a legal confidentiality document)
Wednesday, July 15 from 1:30 - 2:15. Click to register for the focus group.

Taking a Pause to Reset your T1D with Diabetes Health Coach, Lauren Bongiorno
T1D Health Coach Lauren Bongiorno will take you through her top strategies for recentering yourself when diabetes starts to feel overwhelming. Whether you’ve had a few days of challenging blood sugars, you’re feeling unmotivated, or you’re getting wrapped up in your own fears, Lauren will help you expand your toolbox of methods you can use to navigate these times.
Wednesday, July 15 from 3:15 - 4:00 pm. Click to join. Everyone is welcome.

In case you missed Opening Night, you can still hear from Insulet, maker of the Omnipod System’s senior leaders on how they are simplifying life for those with diabetes

Omnipod Virtual Booth Sessions
Stop by to hear from your Omnipod team, to learn more about how we’re handling virtual training during COVID-19, get some hands-on with Omnipod DASH, or just learn about Pod therapy.
Make sure you download your customizable zoom background! We can't wait to meet you!
Choose from the available topics during each virtual booth hour below.
Thursday Virtual Booth Sessions
Friday Virtual Booth Sessions
Omnipod Videos

Meet the Omnipod Team
“Be sure to stop by and meet the Omnipod team at this week’s virtual conference. We hear they are offering a free trial to anyone new to the Omnipod and running some super fun contests with the chance to win some cool summer swag! They can’t wait to meet you!”
#FFLOrlando20 #OmnipodSplashFFL #OmnipodChallenge @myomnipod

Take the Omnipod Challenge
Whether you’re a current Podder or considering the Pod, the Omnipod team hopes you’ll all participate in the Omnipod Challenge. Just try on a Demo Pod (which was sent in the Friends for Life Box, or you can request from and show your photos or share your experience on social media! For everyone who participates using the hashtag #OmnipodChallenge, the team at Omnipod will make a $5 donation to Children with Diabetes!
#FFLOrlando20 #OmnipodSplashFFL #OmnipodChallenge @myomnipod
Share Your Podder Spirit with our Custom Zoom Backgrounds
Click on the Zoom background image, then download it to your device. Use it as your virtual Zoom background to show your Podder spirit.
Kids Coloring Contest
Coloring Contest for Kids
Kids, download, print, and color Toby or Toby at Home. With the permission of your mom or dad, take a picture of the colored picture and email it to [email protected]. We'll gather all the submissions and award prizes.
For more resources to help you, see:
- Soakin’ in the Sun: Summer Tips for Protecting your Omnipod®, by Jillian Bowdring: Friendly reminders of how to keep your Pod and PDM (Personal Diabetes Manager) running smoothly so you can enjoy yourself outdoors all summer long!
- Summer in the Pod Zones, by Kelly Kunik: A Podder perspective on site rotation and adhesive help for both keeping Pods on and removing them with ease.
- Former NFL Pro, Kendall Simmons, on the Highs & Lows of Type 1 Diabetes, by Ginger Vieira: A Spotlight on Kendall Simmons, Podder™ and Former NFL Pro recently contracted as a Podvocate.
- 3 Powerful Tools to Manage Stress with Diabetes During Isolation
- Omnipod DASH™ Podder's Handbook
- Podder Quick Start Guide
- Learn about the Omnipod DISPLAY™ and Omnipod VIEW™ mobile apps
The content and links in this Virtual Booth have been provided by the sponsor. CWD is not responsible for any content therein, including links that will bring users offsite. If you have any questions about content in this sponsor booth, please contact this sponsor individually.