Ringing in NDAM with our Friends at embecta

November 7, 2023

Honk honk!  HONK HONK! Hooonkkkk hoooonnnkkkkk!

If you listen closely, you can almost hear the sounds of the taxis on the streets of New York City, right?

As the CWD Team returns from the Big Apple, we can’t wait to share with you a brief recap of our experiences at Nasdaq in New York City.

The Children with Diabetes team was invited by our Friends for Life at embecta to help ring the opening bell of the NY Stock Exchange on October 31 as a kick off to National Diabetes Awareness Month.  At the event, Children with Diabetes joined forces with several other nonprofit organizations and professional groups in the diabetes industry for this ceremony including ADCES, Beyond Type 1 and Beyond Type 2, Camp Nejeda, Diabetes Education and Camping Association, Diabetes Foundation, TCOYD, The Diabetes Link, The diaTribe Foundation, and JDRF.

The ceremony was designed to help bring awareness to diabetes and commemorate emebcta’s 100 years of serving people with diabetes since the development and launch of the first syringe dedicated to insulin delivery.  During the event, we had an opportunity to hear remarks from Embecta President and CEO Dev Kurdikar and from Senior Vice President of Global Marketing and Product Management, Ginny Blocki.  Dev stated, “embecta is grateful to work alongside people with diabetes, caregivers, healthcare provider, and advocacy organizations that are committed to improving access to education, creating community and helping people live a life unlimited by diabetes.”


You can learn more about the event in this news release: https://investors.embecta.com/news-releases/news-release-details/embecta-recognize-national-diabetes-awareness-month-ringing-0 and can watch a replay of the ceremony by visiting the Nasdaq Facebook page.

Green and Orange Forever,

Written by Leigh Fickling, JD, MEd, MS