
CWD News


Blood Sugar Management – Refreshed!

April 8, 2019

We’re working hard to update the Children with Diabetes website, including adding new resources for our families and more detailed content.  One of our new hubs is our Blood Sugar Management page, with information on A1C, insulin, pre-bolusing, mini-dose glucagon for hypos, and medications beyond insulin. New pages are being added weekly, so check back […]

All New What’s New Newsletter

March 14, 2019

We’ve been delivering our What’s New newsletter since July of 1995 (whoa!) and in March 2019, we gave it a makeover to match the new look on our website. Each week we will bring you the latest in research news that matters, links to important stories in social media and the popular press, as well […]

State of Diabetes Briefing on Capitol Hill

March 7, 2019

On Monday, March 11, 2019, Children with Diabetes, in partnership with ten other organizations, will brief new members of Congress and their staff on the state of diabetes in the United States. The briefing will be held in Room 2168 (Gold Room) of the Rayburn House Building from 2:30 to 3:30 pm. Serving as Master of […]

Lilly to Introduce Lower Priced Humalog Insulin

March 6, 2019

According to a recent press release, Eli Lilly and Company will introduce a lower-priced version of Humalog, with a list price 50% lower than that of the current Humalog. From the release: “Reinforcing our commitment to lower out-of-pocket costs for people who need insulin, Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) today announced we will introduce […]

Does the need for healthcare influence career and job decisions?

February 8, 2019

If you have type 1 diabetes in the United States, you need health insurance to help pay for medication, devices, and healthcare services (endocrinologists, certified diabetes educators, etc.). We’re running a survey to get a sense for whether or not people with type 1, or who have a family member with type 1, make job […]

Spare a Rose 2019

February 1, 2019

Initiated by a group of members from the Diabetes Online Community, the Spare a Rose campaign raises funds for the Life for a Child program. The first campaign took place in 2013 and every year since the community has come together to make a difference in the lives of children living with diabetes in less-resourced […]

Lessons from Friends for Life Orlando

January 29, 2019

The bell tells us we are just above 10,000 feet; it seems far enough away from Orlando now to begin to process the last few days as part of Friends for Life 2016. When your child is first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, you feel shocked, disoriented, and alone: everything you thought you knew about […]

Welcome to the New Children with Diabetes Website!

January 20, 2019

Jeff Hitchcock, founder and president, began Children with Diabetes in 1995 in response to his daughter Marissa’s diabetes diagnosis at the age of two. The idea was — and continues to be — to share experiences with other families, so that together, we can all make a difference in the lives of everyone living with […]

Share Your Story

January 20, 2019

What’s your story? Our community is driven by stories from families living with type 1 diabetes, and we’d love to hear yours. Send stories about your T1D experiences to our editorial team and we’ll feature you on our website.

FFL Seattle is Coming – March 29 – 31, 2019

January 19, 2019

The FFL Seattle conference is open for registration.     Have you attended a Friends for Life conference before? Wondering if it’s for you?  Here’s what some folks have to say about their FFL experience: “Friends for Life personally changed my own life. It showed me that there is a place for everybody in this […]
