Social Distancing: Need Some Things to Do?

March 17, 2020

To say that we’re experiencing “weird times” would be an understatement, but we’re in these weird times together, so there’s comfort in knowing we’re all in the same boat … sitting a safe 6 feet away from one another, of course.  (Get used to jokes about social distancing, friends.  Just trying to keep things as light as possible in these difficult times.)

With the country, and much of the world, aiming to stay home in order to help stop the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), folks are on the hunt for things to do while staying safe and at home.  Here’s a list of some of the things our team has come across that might entertain kids and adults alike – and just as a caveat, these links all go to sites and content that isn’t hosted by Children with Diabetes.  We’re not responsible for the content on those pages, so please click with caution and review all items before sharing with your kids.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga – These yoga videos are fun, happy, and available on YouTube and also the Cosmic Kids Yoga app. More than a million kids do yoga, mindfulness and relaxation with Jaime on the Cosmic Kids YouTube Channel, and with themed episodes like Frozen, Minecraft, and the one about the Parsnip the juggling circus cat, there’s plenty of stories to keep you fit and entertained.
  • In the “keep moving, keep fit” theme, you don’t have to keep your distance from the great outdoors.  From a walk around your neighborhood to a hike on your favorite trail, being outside is a very good way to break up the monotony of being indoors, get a healthy dose of vitamin D, and exercise your bodies.
  • Even though Disney World is currently closed, you can still ride the rides … after a fashion. This article has a list of videos that take you on on a dozen different Disney rides, virtually!
  • Author and illustrator Mo Willems is offering a series of live (and then archived) videos to guide kids and adults through drawing activities. Check out his Lunchtime Doodles!
  • Employ some of the entertainment staples, like Play-Doh, coloring books, clay, construction paper, and glue sticks. Encourage some old-fashioned crafty playtime to keep their minds sharp and their creative muscle toned.
  • Story Time From Space is a project of the Global Space Education Foundation, where they send children’s books to the International Space Station. “While in space, astronauts are videotaping themselves reading these books to the children of Earth. These videos are being edited and placed on this Story Time From Space website.”
  • Find a podcast. There are several great diabetes-related ones, and you can also branch out and listen to podcasts about current events, stories from talented storytellers, sports podcasts, podcasts about cats … the list of content and podcasts is truly endless.  Find some talented talkers and tune in using your favorite podcast apps.
  • Keep a journal.  Whether you’re chronicling your thoughts online through a Facebook post or a blog, or keeping your pen to a paper journal, writing can help you process your thoughts and can also give way to a burst of creativity. The next great novel might be waiting in you!
  • Another author and illustrator, Oliver Jeffers, has taken to Instagram Live and will be reading one of his books every day until “it’s safe to go out again.”
  • Facetime, Skype, and other video conference tools are powerful ways to keep kids and adults talking and sharing.  Video chat with grandparents, neighbors, school friends, and others to help stay connected and stave off loneliness.

We will be adding to this list as the ideas come in.  If you have something you’d like to add, join the discussion on Facebook or Instagram!