Marking the start of a new year usually has people thinking about the changes they’d like to make. Sometimes it’s a goal to lose weight, or start exercising. Other times, resolutions can include joining a reading club, or donating to more charities, or spending more time with friends and family.
For people with diabetes, a list of new year’s resolutions almost always includes something diabetes-related. From investigating coverage for a continuous glucose monitor to resolving to change your lancet every. darn. time you check, diabetes provides the opportunity for plenty of progress.
According to this week's poll, 45% of our respondents said that they have a diabetes resolution but have other resolutions as well. And 36% of respondents said that they don't make resolutions at all. A small percentage (5%) said that all of their resolutions are diabetes-related.
Diabetes requires a lot of thought and attention, so it makes sense that it would be on your mind as the clock ticks towards the new year. The trick is to make changes SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant (or Realistic), and Time-Bound (or Trackable). And with diabetes, there's plenty to track and measure, so jumping in with a SMART goal is doable. Once you set your goal(s), community support can help you reach your goals.
Check in with us and let your CWD family know how you're doing! And Happy New Year!