
Do you use diabetes apps outside of your CGM and Pump?

March 29, 2023–April 5, 2023


Do you use diabetes apps outside of your CGM and Pump?
Yes, I use one.
Yes, I use more than one.
No, I don’t.
I'm not aware of other diabetes apps.

There are several diabetes apps available outside of those for CGMs and pumps, like Gluroo. When Greg Badros’s son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, his family quickly embraced diabetes technology, including a CGM and mobile apps. But what they found is that they didn’t have a good way of tracking multiple diabetes devices’ data with multiple caregivers. Luckily for other parents and loved ones of people with diabetes, Greg knew how to design software to help fill this much-needed gap. So, he developed Gluroo, a mobile app to help you log and track all things related to diabetes that affect families.

Check out a review of the Gluroo app from our Clinical Director. 
