

I have kept very tight control of diabetes for 49 years. In the past five years, I have found myself to be “skeptical” when low. Do you know why this is?

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My seven year old has type 1 and PTSD. He has good days and bad, mentally and physically. I am totally worn out and frustrated. My husband is in the military. What should I do?

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It appears to me at least and to the other children, that too often the poor behavior and disregard is blamed upon the diabetes, rather than upon the behavior problem. I feel very badly because I can see that she does require special medical attention, but I don’t think it requires always making an excuse for misbehavior, snappy remarks or just not paying any attention.

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I am an advocate for a child who has type 1 diabetes and exhibits a number of problematic behaviors in school. In what published medical sources can I find basic information on the relationship between hypoglycemia and childhood behavior disorders?

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My seven year old son was recently diagnosed and put on N and NovoLog. He has since been much more fidgety in school. Could this be caused by the insulin?

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I’m 17 and had been omitting insulin for about six months. I was trying to lose weight, but now I can’t stop omitting it. What can I do?

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Do you have any guidance or advice on handling the emotional/social side of this disease? My four year old is starting to ask questions about her diabetes.

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Some of the times my son has been tired and disoriented, he has had low blood sugars. Does his behavior have anything to do with his blood sugar levels?

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Our son, who has type 1 and celiac, has been sneaking foods, including those with gluten, without telling us. Is this behavior normal? Does he need counseling?

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Recently, at school, my son had an inappropriate outburst in the nurse’s office. His blood sugar was high at the time. Could his high have caused his behavior? Or, could his behavior have been brought on by the up and down blood sugars he had all week?

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