

Is there any research concerning the incidence of depression in adolescent diabetics?

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My friend has become anorexic, believing that taking insulin for her type 1 diabetes will cause her to gain weight. I need to know if this is true, and what type of web sites I can send her to so that she can get more factual information on the subject.

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My 12 year old daughter has had diabetes for two years. During the last two months, she has become angry. She has lied about her high blood sugars, has lost 10 pounds and was hospitalized with the flu. We don’t know what to do to help her get through this.

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My 10 year son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a little over a month ago. He has handled the situation well, however, he does not like to talk about it or read anything about diabetes. Is this a normal reaction for his age?

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By choice, my 17 year old daughter, who had diabetes since she was 10 years old, just came to live with me. She has rather severe mood swings, and makes everyone else uncomfortable. There are also eating issues and sleep issues. I can handle dealing with the diabetes treatment, it’s her crappy attitude that has me near the end of my rope. If you have any ideas on how to deal with this please advise me.

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I’m a 19 year old who was only diagnosed a year ago, my blood sugars are not good, and recently, I have been experiencing many effects of the diabetes. My life has dramatically changed. I get very depressed sometimes, and I hate my life now. What are the chances of a cure in my lifetime?

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I am a teaching parent who has taken in a 10 year old boy, and I have been told one of his behaviors is manipulating his blood sugar levels for attention. I keep all medications locked up, I watch him check his blood sugars, and I measure out his insulin and watch him do his injections properly. What more can I watch for?

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My daughter seems to be mentally regressing. She seems to need step-by-step instructions for basic tasks. What is going on?

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My 10 year old daughter appears to still have trouble accepting that diabetes is a reality in her life. My husband and I feel as though we constantly admonish her which upsets all of us. I would be very grateful for any advice you may be able to give.

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My nine year old daughter has had type 1 diabetes since she was eight months old. For the most part we have kept it under control, but recently we are running into problems. Her blood sugar levels are now up and down and harder to control.

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