

My mother has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and is not managing it well. She is East Indian and is having a hard time with her diet. I need help finding the right recipes to help her eat. She has taken to not eating and has lost a lot of weight. We live far apart, and I can’t get to her dietitian to get some advice. Can you help?

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My seven year old granddaughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a week ago, and we are having trouble getting her blood sugar to level out. She is becoming very moody and hard to get along with. It doesn’t take much to get her upset. She is having a hard time controlling her temper. Is this a normal reaction to being diagnosed and getting her blood sugar stabilized?

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My 13 year old daughter, who has had type 1 diabetes for a little over a year and been on an insulin pump for eight months, had really good control for the first several months on the pump, but lately her control has not been good. She sometimes forgets to bolus for food, has been snacking, and gaining is weight. Is this a common problem? What should we do?

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If I stop my insulin, what will happen?

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My seven year old son was diagnosed last year, and his friend told his mother that my son has recently begun taking candy from other kids during school lunch. This corresponds with higher blood sugar numbers this week, but my son denies it. What do I do?

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I have a friend who is 21 years old and type 1 diabetic since she was 8 years old. I am very worried about her. She is using her insulin to lose weight and to keep it off. Where can we get help for her? How can we help her?

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My 15 year old daughter was diagnosed on her 11th birthday. Four years later, she is still having trouble dealing with the fact she has diabetes. She has learned and mastered weight control by letting her blood sugars go high. Are there any centers in the country to send someone like my daughter to?

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My five year old niece was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a week ago. She and her mother (my sister) are not coping at all well. I know it is only very early stages yet, but would appreciate any helpful tips that would help my niece to adjust more smoothly and perhaps with less tears from both mother and child.

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My son has Type 1 diabetes. He was diagnosed during the middle of first grade. He seemed to struggle with school after the diagnosis and all through second grade. Could his diabetes affect his school work performance and focus?

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The person in question states she takes glyburide and glimepiride but had not taken her medication for about three to four days. As a result, she was incoherent and appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs which has caused a problem on her job. Are her claims true?

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