

I have had type 1 diabetes for 28 years, my control is reasonable (last HbA1c was 7.4%), and except for more and more problems with recognizing hypoglycemia and some microalbuminuria, I am doing okay. However, recently I noticed that my heart rate at rest rarely goes below 90 (it used to be between 60 and 70). What is this?

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For the last five years, my 41 year old husband, diagnosed with diabetes when he was 25, has been in and out of the hospital for what his doctor calls diabetic gastropathy. His doctor said we cannot predict these events as this is already part of the complications of diabetes. Should he see a gastroenterologist or should we take his doctor’s word for it?

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I have type 2 diabetes, and I am experiencing tingling in my feet. My endocrinologist and podiatrist say I have sensation in my feet, so no treatment has ever been recommended. Is there some other kind of testing I should be requesting?

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I haven’t been able to treat this disease, and now I have spots (two large and several smaller), and my toes have been extremely painful. The big ones get a mound like thing on them and then burst out pus and blood. Is this related to the diabetes? Will this kill me?

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If my boyfriend does have retrograde ejaculation into his bladder, can he have surgery or something to get it fixed?

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About four months ago, we lost our 23 year old son, who had Down’s syndrome, to undiagnosed type 1 diabetes. He was sick for about eight days before he went into a diabetic coma, was in that for a week, then he died. Do you have any information about Down’s Syndrome and type 1 diabetes?

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My five-and-one half year old is complaining of “pins and needles” in his feet and hands. Should I be concerned? Is it related to his diabetes?

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I attended a conference about 2 years ago where one of the presenters talked about children diagnosed with type 1 prior to the age of 5 tend to have difficulties with some fine motor skills. Do you have any information on this or suggestions as to where to look for this?

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I recently read that said that the average of blood glucose levels determined by the hemoglobin A1c test, not whether you have periods of highs and lows, determines the long-term complications. Is there any updated information on this?

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I’m a 42 year old female and have had Type 1 for 17 years. Recently, my doctor told me I had protein in my urine and prescribed blood pressure medication. Is this common and is this condition serious?

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