
Daily Care

I am on a regimen of Ultralente at dinner time, and Lispro with each meal. My problem is that I starve between meals. My dietitian has given me a meal plan with additions for activity (I’m incredibly physically active), and but I’m finding that my postprandial readings are usually in my target range, but, if I eat a snack, my readings are high before meals. Any suggestions?

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My eight year old daughter has newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes and has begun insulin injections twice a day, but it just seems so cruel to inject a young child on a daily basis. Are there any other alternatives? Is this something that she will possibly grow out of one day?

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My wife has had type 1 diabetes for about 20 years, and she is having great difficulty in regulating her levels. She has increased her insulin with variable results — either no effect or severe bottoming out. Our free clinic has her monitoring and adjusting her own insulin, but it is continuing to get worse.

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As of four months ago, my waking blood sugar will be 147 mg/dl 8.2 [mmol/L], and after my Glucophage and a cup of coffee black or strong tea, my blood sugar will be 247 mg/dl [13.7 mmol/L]. What happened?

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Since we have been home (four days), my daughter’s blood sugar goes from 65 mg/dl [3.6 mmol/L] in the morning to 350 mg/dl [19.4 mmol/L] at night. Do the numbers soon start to come closer together and stay longer?

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Why would someone who has been quite well controlled for 17 years suddenly seem to be well out of control? What should I do?

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I am a recovering alcoholic and I do not have diabetes, but my last blood work showed a blood sugar level of 192 mg/dl [10.7 mmol/L]. My doctor said this is common in recovering alcoholics. Is this so? Should I be concerned?

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My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a month ago. Why would her sugar blood level be so low when she ate at the right time and the right amount?

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Ever since my injury, I have had wide swings in blood sugar (from 90-225 mg/dl [5-12.5 mmol/L] fasting and 100-275 mg/dl [5.5-15.3 mmol/L] four hours after meals), and my A1c has gone from 6.4 to 7.3% in the last six months. Could this be related to the poor pain control that I have over my now chronic back condition? What would be your suggestions?

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If a child is on pre-mixed insulin and his blood sugar averages 240-300 mg/dl [13.3-16.7 mmol/L], how many units of insulin should he be given?

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