
Diagnosis and Symptoms

I have had ketones in my urine, but, because there was no sugar, my doctor doesn’t think that I have diabetes. I have no idea what to do. Can you help?

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My little girl has cerebral palsy and gastrostomy tube feedings. Recently, her blood sugar was 300 mg/dl [16.7 mmol/L]. We have no idea what got it that high. After two hours, she finally woke up and was back to her old self. Her blood sugar went back down on its own. Can she have diabetes?

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My nine year old son recently had a two hour after meal serum blood glucose level of 132 mg/dl [7.3 mmol/L]. I know that the range for a person who does not have diabetes should be 65-109 mg/dl [3.6-6 mmol/L]. Is it unusual for a person who does not have diabetes to have such a variance?

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My seven month old daughter is beginning to have seizure-like episodes, is sleeping all the time, and her father has had type 1 diabetes since the age of 11. They told us there was only a small (6%) chance of passing the diabetes on to her. I don’t know the symptoms of diabetes so I would like to know if this is a common early symptom.

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My son had some high blood sugars, and the doctor says he doesn’t have diabetes, but I should just keep an eye out for symptoms, especially weight loss. What do you think?

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My daughter had an elevated blood sugar when she was sick. Since then, we have been checking her blood sugars, her fasting blood sugars are always normal, and she has one or two per week that are elevated. She does have anti-GAD antibodies, but no islet cell antibodies. What is your opinion?

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My 62 year old husband is 10 pounds overweight and has a very early stage of prostate cancer. I checked his sugar this morning and it was 130 mg/dl [7.2 mmol/L]. Could this possibly be the early stages of diabetes? Is there a connection between prostate cancer and diabetes?

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Our 13 year old son has an elevated blood sugar, and the doctor is pretty confident that he has type 1 diabetes, but he does not have any of the classic symptoms. His A1c was 5.3%, his islet cell antibodies were negative, and the GAD antibody test results are pending. Should I be concerned? Could his levels rise during exercise? Will the GAD test confirm diabetes? Where do we go from here?

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My nine year old son has complained of ringing in his ears. The ENT doctor found nothing and sent him off to a neurologist for a MRI. Before we put him through that. I wanted to find out if you are aware of ringing in the ears as a symptom of diabetes. Someone mentioned reading that it was.

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My 10 year old grandson has type 1 diabetes, and while visiting recently I found the eight year old to be very thin, have poor eating habits, and with a volatile temper. My daughter said he has had a random sugar level had been over 240 mg/dl [13.3 mmol/L] several times, but that she was not worried. However, I am afraid for him.

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