

I have been dating a person with type 1 diabetes since age 13 for a long time, and, recently, he recently had a massive panic attack during an insulin reaction. Can you have such a massive panic attack and not remember anything when it is over?

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If a person is not ill and ate something without covering it with short-acting insulin, then they vomit, could it cause their blood sugar to drop?

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We have a 12 year old son who has had type 1 diabetes for two and a half years and has been on a pump with Humalog for about six months. Recently, he had an experience with lows that we have never had before. For over two hours our son would not respond, and his numbers remained precariously low. Don’t blood sugars automatically rise after three hours once the Humalog is gone?

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I had an accident which the doctors believe was due to hypoglycemia, and the State of Kansas revoked my driving privileges. How do they determine being “episode free” for a certain period of time is safe for me?

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My father, in his early 70s, has had diabetes for over 45 years and had a slight stroke two years ago. He now seems to have more hypos than normal and doesn’t get the warnings he used to. What should he be doing to avoid this?

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I am 33 and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was 20. On a few occasions I have had seizures related to severe hypoglycemia. What toll could these severe episodes take on my body? Could these episodes affect my heart or brain over time?

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Our 7 year old son woke up wailing, inconsolable, and incoherent with a blood sugar of 96. After noticing right side paralysis, we administered glucagon and I rushed him to the hospital. The ER doctor almost immediately diagnosed Todd’s paralysis due to hypoglycemia.

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Recently, whenever my blood sugar drops, I have noticed that I become a rude, quick tempered person and usually will say things that I do not mean. I feel terrible about it afterwards, but yet, during my hypo episode, I cannot help myself. Why is it occurring now when it never has before?

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My seven year old daughter has been having “episodes” of hypoglycemia attacks for the past four years. Although never officially diagnosed as hypoglycemia, we feel it is inherited. Her pediatrician is recommending that she be tested in the endocrine department of the children’s hospital, even though she just had an entire round of normal blood and urine tests.

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At birth, my son was put into the N.I.C.U. and was given glucose intravenously because he could not maintain his blood sugar level. The glucose would raise his blood sugar to about 30-35, then it would drop to 10-15. Is he hypoglycemic?

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