

My eight year old son has type 1 diabetes. What are some good snack options that will not increase his blood sugars? What are some good options to help during hypoglycemia?

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I have had “well controlled” diabetes since my diagnosis nearly 20 years ago, but I no longer have the sensitivity to detect hypos in their early stages. Lately, I have been accepting of higher blood sugar levels with the aim of trying to increase my body’s sensitivity to low blood sugar. Do you think this may work? How long would it take to regain sensitivity etc.?

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Approximately what percentage of children under the age of 13 in the United States develop hypoglycemia?

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Yesterday at school, my 17 year old son had a very serious low reaction, and apparently he pushed two girls to get to their cookies and then hit a boy who tried to stick up for the girls, but my son does not remember any of this, and the school wants to send him to an off-site campus classroom for the rest of the school year for his actions.

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My 36 year old husband got diabetes when he was ten and now cannot feel the onset of a reaction. He recently got into a car accident because of this. Is there something he can wear to alert him that his blood sugar it getting low? What can we do so that I can feel safe with him driving our children in the car?

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Every morning before breakfast, my daughter’s blood sugar was 40 mg/dl [2.2 mmol/L], and right before lunch, it was about 70 mg/dl [3.9 mmol/L]. Her levels have never been over 72 mg/dl [4 mmol/L]and never under 40 mg/dl [2.2 mmol/L]. Is this something i should be very concerned with?

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For almost a month now, my three year old daughter has been waking up in the middle of the night with screaming and crying and kicking. Could she have hypoglycemia? Can I buy a kit at the store to test her? What do I do if her levels are high?

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For at least three months or so, I have been getting extremely tired. I also have several headaches, get dizzy, and I have even passed out once or twice. Whenever I begin to feel any of these things, I try my best to eat something. When I do, I begin to feel better. I am confused by these symptoms.

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I’ve been experiencing a lot of signs of hypoglycemia like blurred vision, dizziness, lightheadedness, and feeling shaky and tired. My friend has diabetes, and once and a while, I test my blood sugar with her meter. What do my blood sugar results mean?

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My son has had two seizures over the past six months from hypoglycemia. Each time this occurred in the morning while trying to “wake up.” Are you aware of any new studies of long term effects from hypoglycemic seizures? Please tell us parents straight out — can hypoglycemic events result in organ failure?

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