
Meal Planning, Food and Diet

Do you have any anecdotal evidence that consuming diet soda causes bingeing or other unusual eating practices?

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My 4 year old son was diagnosed 6 weeks ago. At this point we are not counting the carbohydrates he’s eating but we are providing healthy meals and snacks at the same time each day. Any suggestions on what we can do to keep his levels more consistent?

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My friend says eating a lot of sweets can give you diabetes and I say this is not true; but that being overweight can often lead to diabetes. Who is correct?

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Does drinking soft drinks affect healthy people? Can it cause diabetes?

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My son is twelve and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes six months ago. I don’t understand the diabetes “diet” thing and eating healthy. If all carbohydrates and portions of proteins are broken down to the fundamental “fuel” glucose, what’s it matter if you eat a piece of cake or green beans and bread?

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Is the sugar substitute sorbitol the same sorbitol that is produced in the body? Does it pass through the system, or is it stored? I’m worried about the long time use of this sweetener and the adverse reactions down the road with the nervous system and vision.

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My 12 1/2 year old son eats a 60 grams carb breakfast, a 60-70 gram carb lunch, a 60-70 gram carb with supper and, at bedtime, he has a 30 gram carbohydrate snack. Lately he seems to be starving all the time and eats cheese, peanuts or pickles between meals. Because he is nearing the teenage stage, does he need more carbohydrates?

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I am 13 years old and my religion supports fasting, but ever since I’ve had diabetes, I haven’ t been able to fast because of a fear of low/high blood sugar. Is there a way to fast and still keep my blood sugars relatively in range?

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We have a boy scout troop, and have just gotten three 11 year old boys who have hypoglycemia. We are very active and find it hard to plan three meals and a snack a day let alone meals every three hours. We get a lot of complaints about what and how they eat, but no helpful information.

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Our seven year son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes about a year and a half ago, we are planning a trip to Club Med, and need some advice about how to handle meals and snacks at an all-inclusive resort.

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