
Other Illnesses

I am trying to find some information for one of the parents in my support group. At the age of 1 1/2, she found out that her daughter’s pancreas was not growing. She was told that her daughter was diabetic, but is controlled by diet.

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My daughter has swelling, pain, and redness to the bottom of her toes and pads behind her toes on both feet. The pediatrician thinks it is diabetes related as in diabetic neuropathy. The podiatrist and allergist both think it is contact dermatitis. She is 12 diagnosed at age 2. Can a test confirm or rule out diabetic neuropathy completely?

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I am 12 years old, have had diabetes for seven years, and have eczema. It never seems to get any better even with medication. My blood sugar has been running from 50 to 400 mg/dl [2.8 to 22.2 mmol/L]. Do you think that my diabetes has anything to do with my eczema?

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My daughter is 7 years old and was diagnosed about 2 months ago with Type 1 diabetes. Since the diagnosis, she has had a reoccurring urinary tract infection (3 times) along with an enuresis problem. Is this very common for children with diabetes?

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I noticed in a recent poll about celiac disease, with 85% responding that they are unfamiliar with this disease or have never been tested. Since this disease can often be flagged with a simple blood test, shouldn’t it be recommended for every person with diabetes? Shouldn’t everyone be tested for this problem?

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My doctor recently diagnosed me with having a skin condition called Acanthosis Nigricans. I have been reading that this condition is related to diabetes. Is there any treatment for the discoloration besides weight loss?

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My 13 year old son developed this “twitching” nervous tic ‘thing” about the same time as his diagnosis of diabetes, and my concern is that it keeps getting worse. Have you ever heard of something like this associated with diabetes? Could this be diabetes or insulin related?

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My four year old son, who has diabetes, complains of headaches and stomach aches enough to be concerned about it. I don’t want to ignore symptoms if there is something to be concerned about, especially since he can be more susceptible to developing other autoimmune diseases and/or certain complications due to diabetes. Should this be a concern? If so, what will need to be done?

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Seven months ago, my seven year old daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and ever since then she has been experiencing periods of severe headaches and nausea that are not associated with low blood sugars. Is there any chance that it could be the type of insulin that she is sensitive to or allergic to?

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My four year old, who has had type 1 diabetes for a year and a half, was just recently also diagnosed with celiac disease. While there is quite a bit of information on each topic individually, I cannot seem to locate much on the topic that helps people who have both conditions. Any ideas where this information may exist?

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