
Other Illnesses

Diagnosed at age three, my older teen has necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum. Is it related to blood sugars? Are there any new therapies to improve or eradicate it?

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My 17 year old son, diagnosed at age 12, has developed gynecomastia and needs surgery. Could there be a connection to his type 1 diabetes?

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My friend has Type 1 diabetes. She is complaining of tiredness a lot and occasionally she gets chest pains. Should I be worried about this?

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I had blood tests done and I was told that I have very high insulin levels, around 700 (whatever that means). I have to go for more tests and then I am going to start on medication. I guess they are testing hormone levels or something. I am 23 and I am totally clueless about what is going on in my body.

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My one year old grandson has just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. When he was three months old, it we noticed that one pupil was smaller than the other. The ophthalmologist did an x-ray which was negative, and his pupils are still unequal. Could there be relationship between the eye condition and the diabetes?

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For the past year, my daughter has been complaining of foot pain, dizziness, and nausea. Her endocrinologist doesn’t feel that they are diabetes related, and suggested we see our family doctor. He has ordered many blood tests and scans, but nothing has shown up. What should our next step be?

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Recently, I was out in the sun and I got a really bad sunburn, and later that night, I got a horrible headache and I felt sick to my stomach. My mom thinks it may have had something to do with my diabetes. Is that possible?

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Last year, my 23 year old sister was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and they removed her entire pancreas. Since then, she has not had to have one insulin shot, or taken any sort of blood sugar controlling drugs. She tests her blood sugar regularly, and not once has it been even the slightest bit high. Have you ever heard of this?

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My 12 year old daughter is thin but muscular and seems healthy in most respects, except that her triglyceride levels have been high for two years and are climbing (now up to 178 mg/dl), and her HDL is low (32 mg/dl). was advised to put her on a high-protein diet, and I think that’s wrong, especially considering her age. Advice for diet resources for thin children with high triglycerides would be helpful since most of what I have found deals with overweight children.

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I read a book which said that children with hypoglycemia cannot take proteolytic enzymes. Why?

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