

My almost 13 year old daughter is on an insulin pump, and I can hardly keep up with her increasing basal rates. For several hours during the day, her basal rate is up to 2.9 units/hour, and it seems that her basal rates have been steadily increasing since she started the pump six months ago. Can puberty increase insulin requirements to this extent?

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My 15 1/2 year old daughter was diagnosed at age 12. She had a sugar level of 1000 mg/dl [55.6 mmol/L] and was very ill. I am very worried because she has not started her menses. My endocrinologist tells me not to worry and to wait until she is 16. Could she have suffered some injury to her reproductive organs during her episode at age 12?

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Now 12 years old, my blood sugars are always somewhat elevated, even though I have tried to correct my insulin dosages. Is puberty affecting my blood sugars?

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My 15 year old daughter was diagnosed two years ago. She frequently breaks out with light cases of acne which clear, except 1 or 2 spots that always develop into open sores that take a week or two more to heal. Does her glucose levels have anything to do with this?

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My 12 year old grandson, diagnosed about one and a half years ago with diabetes, has continued substantial and frequent fluctuations in glucose levels, and there is considerable controversy in the family about the effects of carbs, proteins, and fats on this pre-teen. If he needs more food, wouldn’t it be better to allow him a few extra proteins rather than carbs which, of course, he often craves?

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My son has been going through puberty and is embarrassed because hair is growing under only one armpit and not under the other. He asked me if this could be diabetes related, puberty related. or “am I a freak of nature”. He assures me there is no problem with hair growth any where else. Any insight into this problem would be greatly appreciated.

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My granddaughter has not started her menstrual cycle. Is it possible that a hormone imbalance can mimic diabetes?

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My daughter has had type 1 for 17 years and began to have difficulty controlling her diabetes when she began puberty. We think that the estrogen and progesterone are causing this problem and want to know of a safe way to mute them. We are considering Depo-Provera.

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During his physical examination, my son’s pediatric endocrinologist smells my son’s armpits. Any idea what he is checking for?

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I think my nine year old daughter started a menstrual period the other day but does not show any other signs of puberty other than moodiness. Since most of the women in my family started their periods much later, I am concerned with such an early start. Can having type 1 diabetes cause puberty to happen sooner?

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