
Research: Cure

I’ve been hearing for eight years that a cure for type 1 is 10 years away. What is the current status of a cure? I want to share some hope with my daughter.

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How promising is human proislet peptide (HIP) as a possible treatment for type 1 diabetes?

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If we were to start to clone people with diabetes would we be able to use the clone’s pancreas if it worked before the individual got diabetes in real life so the person would not have the disease?

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Our eight year old son developed type 1 diabetes about eight months ago. According to the scientific advances on this disease, what will be the approximate time that science discovers permanent cures of this disease?

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If, after his honeymoon period ends and our son will have no islet cells left capable of making insulin, would this mean that, even if a treatment to destroy the autoimmune cells causing our son’s diabetes were later to become available our son would then still have no islet cells left that could resume making insulin? Should we try to preserve some of his remaining islet cells?

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My 11 year old son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes nearly two and a half years ago, and I have read your reply to a question on saving cord blood for possible future use. There is no possibility of my having any further children, and I wondered how close the relationship of the donor to the recipient would have to be.

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If the pancreas is able to regenerate itself, why can’t it resume production of insulin or be stimulated to produce insulin in type 1 diabetes?

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My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a week ago, and the doctor mentioned that at this stage her immune system had destroyed about 80% of her pancreas. Is there anything that can be done to maintain the other 20%?

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My seven year old niece has type 1 diabetes I am currently pregnant, and I want to know if she could be a possible recipient of our baby’s cord blood. Would such a procedure benefit her at all? I have heard recently that this is a new and encouraging breakthrough for many childhood diseases. Is type 1 diabetes one of them?

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In a national lay publication, I found a statement about a drug that has halted the course of type 1 diabetes by enabling patients to produce their own insulin.I searched the web, and called different agencies to no avail. Do you know anything about this drug?

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