
School and Daycare

Our seven year old son was just diagnosed with diabetes, and his school does not have a licensed nurse. The school health assistant says that she cannot administer any medication nor help our son with the “finger pricking”, and we are very concerned. Is there a law or something that specifies that medical services must be accessible for the child in situations like this?

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My four year old son has type 1 diabetes, and I need some advice on how to explain it in the simplest terms to a classroom of preschoolers. The other classmates range from three to five years old, and I have been asked to come to talk about diabetes. I want to keep things simple, and I do not want to scare these young children.

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My 14 year old daughter is in good control of her diabetes, but she has a problem waking up in the morning to go to school so she misses a lot or is late. She just seems to be losing her zip in life. Could this be a side effect of Ultralente?

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Are there are any government agencies that help with college tuition for college for persons with type 1 diabetes?

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I am heading off to college far from home, so I am concerned about living in the dorms with my diabetes and all the supplies I will need. What is your suggestion? Should I request a single room? I do not want to disturb a roommate with my having to get up during the night.

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Once in a while when my 12 year old son is low, he gets very agitated, and I am concerned as he gets bigger something bad could happen.. He has not adjusted well to diabetes and has seen a psychologist for the past three years. Are there any schools that have just children who have diabetes?

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I am confronting difficulties with the school nurse in providing the special care my daughter needs at school. What should we do?

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My seventh grade son takes care of all his diabetes needs by himself, but his school is making things hard for us. First of all, they are fighting my request for a 504 Plan. Secondly, if I can’t go an away or late game, he can’t participate. I believe this is discrimination. What do you think?

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Because my husband and sister have type 1 diabetes, I may provide day care for a two year old who has diabetes. Can I administer medication to this child, with the parents’ written consent, should we choose to help them care for their son?

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My child’s school is dragging its feet on several important points in his 504 plan as we now enter the tenth week of school. (The usual pattern is silence for several weeks, then to present us with a plan that has unauthorized changes.) Is there a set negotiation time frame for 504 plans?

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