November 26, 2004
Blood Tests and Insulin Injections, Insulin Analogs
Question from Soria, Spain:
I’m 31 years old and have just switched from NPH twice a day to Lantus once a day, at bedtime. I wake up about 50 mg/dl [2.8 mmol/L] lower than before going to bed. I don’t dare lower the dose because then, during the day, my sugar levels go up. Could it be that Lantus doesn’t last long enough for me in spite of being an adult? I’ve been diabetic for 21 years already, no honeymoon period.
From: DTeam Staff
This is not an uncommon problem. If you have type 1 diabetes, the obvious change would be to decrease the Lantus and increase the amount of rapid-acting insulin you take with meals to prevent the daytime highs that may result.