December 13, 2003
Gestational Diabetes
Question from Newport Beach, California, USA:
I am 29 weeks pregnant and for the past four weeks I have been experiencing symptoms associated with diabetes. I just received the results of my one hour glucose screen and was shocked to learn that my reading was 206 mg/dl [11.4 mmol/L]! Using a home monitor my fasting values have been averaging about 130 mg/dl [7.2 mmol/L]. With values this high, will I be able to skip the three hour GTT and receive a diagnosis? Also, assuming these numbers are accurate, am I going to be able to manage this with diet and exercise alone, or will I more likely need insulin therapy?
A glucose value of 206 mg/dl [11.4 mmol/L] on the one hour test makes the diagnosis of gestational diabetes. Since you are also experiencing elevated fasting blood sugar values, I suspect that you will need more than just diet to control your blood sugar. Your doctor may go ahead and start you on insulin. It will be important for you to be retested after your baby is born to make sure that you do not have persistent diabetes.