March 6, 2001
Gestational Diabetes
Question from Hollywood, California, USA:
I am 31 weeks pregnant, have gestational diabetes, and am on insulin with my sugars under control. Despite eating six times per day, and even trying a middle-of-the-night snack, I continue to have moderate ketones in my urine, always in the mornings. I also have small to moderate for the rest of the day as well. My doctors are mystified and out of suggestions (other than manipulating late night food). I’ve read that small ketones are no big deal if they happen from time to time, but that constant moderate ketones can be very dangerous to baby. Does anyone have management suggestions and/or data on this?
As long as your sugar is under control, ketones in the urine are not a problem. This occurs frequently in pregnancy, even in women without gestational diabetes. Rarely, if ever, do women with gestational diabetes develop DKA [diabetic ketoacidosis]. One thing you should do is make sure you are well hydrated. Drink six to eight tall glasses of water each day.