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May 17, 2002

Daily Care, Diagnosis and Symptoms

Question from :

I am a 22 year old woman. I was diagnosed with diabetes about nine months ago and treated with glyburide [a pill for Type 2 diabetes], but my levels appear to be increasing again. I have never been told if I have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and the speculation is that I am in the beginning stages of type 1 diabetes. Where should I go from here in terms of treatments, etc.?


From: DTeam Staff

If you have type�1 diabetes, the correct treatment is insulin. You need firm direction from your physician regarding what type of diabetes you have. If your physician does not know, they need to perform the appropriate tests. If they don’t know what the appropriate tests are, you might want to consider a physician who can help you with this. Type 1 diabetes results from the destruction of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. If present, this needs to be treated with a therapy that replaces insulin.