October 4, 2000
Diagnosis and Symptoms
Question from Yahoo.com:
I have had hypoglycemia for 18 years. Three years ago, two different doctors, after testing me, told me with my history, tests results, symptoms, and family background (all four grandparents, my dad, brother, and nieces and nephews all have diabetes) that I had diabetes, but with rare twist. My diabetes does not cause high blood sugar results it causes the opposite (extremely low). I watch my diet like a hawk, eat healthy, including at least six small meals a day. I have lost 70 lbs in the last two years, I am 5 feet 1 inch and weigh 100 pounds. I exercise regularly and test my sugar level faithfully. I have real problems with my sugar dropping extremely low (anywhere from 27-60 mg/dl [1.5-3.3 mmol/L] is the norm). I get to the point where I cannot hardly function, and I have passed out many times. A real good “lucky” day for me is 60-110 mg/dl [3.3-6.1 mmol/L]. Most of the time, I can feel my sugar dropping and prevent falling unconscious, but sometimes I drop without warning. I am told that, even though I am considered to have “diabetes”, there isn’t really anything available to raise and balance my sugar levels, just diet, rest, exercise and control my stress level. How can I be a diabetic, but a “reversed one?” If this is accurate, how come more isn’t available to help people like me?
I am in a small community and question my doctors diagnosis that I am “diabetic”, but with low sugar levels not high normally associated with diabetes. Is it possible to run extremely low sugar levels and still have diabetes?
If you have passed out with low blood sugars, you need a complete metabolic workup to look for hormone deficiencies such as cortisol and/or growth hormone deficiencies, inappropriate excess insulin production, or other rare metabolic disorders that can cause low blood sugar. It does not sound like you have “classical diabetes”.
[Editor’s comment: I have never heard of “reverse diabetes.” I would urge you to seek advice from an endocrinologist about what is going on, and what to do.