November 4, 1999
Social Issues: Community Resources
Question from Salt Lake City, Utah, USA:
I am a 30�year old Type 1 and have been for 19 years. My specific question deals with a project that I am currently working on for nursing school at The University of Utah. I am trying to set up a support group for high school kids with diabetes in a rural county here in Utah with one of the highest DM rates in the state. My focus is more of a “you’re not alone” psychological approach rather than a medical treatment group. Do you have any advice or could you recommend any good resources (readings, etc.)?
I am so glad you are creating a support group for kids. You may need to rename it, however, to get participation! “Support Group” doesn’t usually draw them in. How about creating a different title? Books about the emotional impact of diabetes are easier to find now — check for a pretty amazing list. Also, focusing on the unique needs of kids vs. adults with diabetes is a worthy endeavor.
Additional comments from The Editor:
See our reviews of book for kids and books for parents and older kids.