July 27, 2000
Meal Planning, Food and Diet, Social Issues: School and Daycare
Question from California, USA:
I have an eight year old daughter with type 1 diabetes. She has chosen to eat at school in the cafeteria. The school says that they need her diet broken down into ounces. I am not sure how to do that. I know she is on a 1600 calorie diet.
I am sorry I cannot help you with your problem. I am hoping you have a diabetes dietitian to call who can assist the school in obtaining the information they need. I don’t understand the need for the diet in ounces and have never heard of anyone asking for that. If you have a meal plan you might contact the school nurse to have her assist you. I hope you can find some help.
[Editor’s comment: I do not understand why the school would need such information. You should be able to tell them the amount of carbs she needs for lunch. Does she have a 504 plan in place?