November 14, 2004
Diagnosis and Symptoms, LADA and MODY
Question from Redondo Beach, California, USA-:
I was recently diagnosed with pre-diabetes after an oral glucose tolerance test, with a blood sugar of 158 mg/dl [8.8 mmol/L] at the two hour reading. I am 42, normal weight, and exercise regularly. I look perfectly healthy. My father and two aunts on my mother’s side have type 2 diabetes. I also delivered three nine pound babies, but never had a gestational diabetes diagnosis. My cholesterol and blood pressure are normal.
Did I get pre-diabetes from genetics alone, as I am not overweight? Could this be type 1.5 or LADA, and should I get tested for this? Finally, is it advisable for me to see an endocrinologist and use a blood glucose monitor for pre-diabetes, or is that “overkill?”
It is most likely you are risk because of your family history. It would be reasonable to get an anti-GAD antibody level to make sure it is not elevated. Type 2 diabetes is a disease that is inherited in a complex manner. Most people feel it is a multiple gene inheritance pattern. We are not sure how this works at present. Your medical status currently sounds like it is fairly good. Remember that in clinical trials, diet and regular exercise were the most helpful in preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes. Your primary physician, if interested, may certainly be able to counsel you with regard to this problem. Pre-diabetes is also associated with an increased cardiovascular risk. Therefore, the simultaneous management of any risk factors is very important.