October 28, 2001
Question from Georgia, USA:
I have had type�1 diabetes for eight years and have been on an insulin pump for seven months, and I have a 14 year old friend (diagnosed at age nine) who also has type 1 diabetes and is totally ignoring it. She won’t even talk to me about it. She is very responsible with everything except her diabetes.
Her mom has been trying to get her to realize that if she doesn’t take care of herself and take more responsibility for her diabetes, then she won’t be able to get her driver’s license (in 13 months), but that hasn’t worked. Her mom has even offered to get a pump for her, but she won’t even consider it. Should her mom lay off or keep on her? What can I do to help her?
You are a wonderful friend and should feel very proud of yourself. Your friend probably needs your understanding and support more than anything right now. So, letting her know that you are available to talk when she wants to, and that you know how hard it is to live with diabetes may be very helpful.
Your friend’s mother should talk with her diabetes team about her concerns. They will be able to offer lots of helpful strategies for them to use. They will also be able to refer them to a counselor with expertise in diabetes.