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September 6, 2005

Behavior, Insulin

Question from Florence, Wisconsin, USA:

I have had type 1 diabetes for almost six years. I’m 17 years old. I have picked up the horrible habit of omitting insulin for about five to six months. I’ve tried to stop, but my mind will not let me do so. My A1c is 11.2% and I’m sure it hasn’t gone down since I got it tested two months ago. It might’ve even gone up. I just do this because, in my mind, it’ll help me lose weight, but that doesn’t even work anymore. What can I do to stop omitting it? Is my body already very damaged from what I’ve done to it or can I still pull myself out of this hole without any long-term effects on their way? I don’t know what to do. I’m completely lost. Have the doctors already told my parents that I have a problem and no one has addressed me about it yet?


From: DTeam Staff

First, let me say how brave you are to reach out and ask for help. I’m sure you are frightened, but things can get better and you can improve your health significantly. It is not too late. You already realize that you are making choices that are not very healthy for you. You also realize that you need some help in changing it. So, please print this e-mail out and give it to your parents and/or your someone you trust at your diabetes team. There are so many women that struggle like you do and use insulin as a way to change their weight. There is lots of help for you and the first place to get that help is from your diabetes team. They can direct you to mental health specialists that work with women who skip insulin. Please do not delay in getting the help you need. You will feel better, emotionally and physically.