November 18, 2000
Question from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA:
My 15 year old daughter was diagnosed with type�1�diabetes
As a mother, I feel like a failure because I should be able to take care of her, but it is so hard when they can do what they want behind your back. Are there any centers in the country to send someone like my daughter to receive the psychological and physical counseling to get her through this feeling of hating herself because she has diabetes and everything else that seems to go along with how she feels. As I said. she is in counseling as of now but I am wondering if some type for help strictly geared towards someone with diabetes would help her more. Her comment is always, “They or you have no clue because you don’t have it. So don’t even say you know.”
I would highly recommend the Cumberland Program in Virginia. Your daughter is taking huge risks with her health in an effort to control her weight by letting her sugars run high. You are right to be concerned.
Contact them as soon as you can.