March 8, 2001
Community Resources
Question from Broomfield, Colorado, USA:
My 43 year old cousin was just diagnosed with type�2 diabetes, is on insulin for now, and wants to go to summer camp. He’s developmentally disabled (seven year old level), cannot read or write, cannot understand amounts (e.g., $20 equal $200 except in the ability to buy more candy and sodas), and he is color blind. I think he really could benefit from being around other kids and/ or adults with diabetes because he learns by watching and doing (vs. reading). Are there any camps in California for folks with his needs?
There are camps for people with Prader-Willi syndrome. These patients are developmentally delayed, overweight, and often have diabetes. They might be willing to accept your cousin.
[Editor’s comment: See Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (USA), Camp ReCreation, and Disabled:camps.