May 25, 1999
Daily Care
Question from Martinsville, Virginia, USA:
My 6 year old grandson was diagnosed last week with Type 1. He has to take two shots a day. How long does it take for his sugar to level off? It is going up and down now. When he went in the hospital, it was 700; now since he started the insulin it is going from 60 to 399. How long does this last?
It’s early days yet; but his blood glucose levels should quickly come down to levels that are nearer normal. In fact in a week or two there is likely to be some temporary restoration of the ability to produce his own insulin. Nonetheless it usually takes some months for everyone to get used to the disciplines of good control of blood sugars. You might all like to download Understanding Insulin-Dependent Diabetes by H. Peter Chase, M.D. There is no charge for this.
It is important, if at all possible for him to be cared for by a children’s diabetic team that includes, besides the doctor, a nurse educator, a dietitian, and a medical social worker, and that they be available to help on the telephone at all times.