August 22, 2003
Alternative Therapies and Explanations
Question from Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA:
My daughter’s mother believes that my daughter’s diabetes can be helped with a dietary supplement called SeaSilver. Our doctor has told her that she needs to stay on her insulin as he has prescribed, but she keeps pushing this supplement. Can you tell me if it will help with her blood sugar or if there are any negative side effects that I should know about?
I cannot find any scientific references on “SeaSilver.” I do know that if a patient with type 1 diabetes is not given insulin, then the results can be deadly. Please make sure your daughter’s mom does not stop insulin or start any “supplement” without the approval and input from the pediatric endocrinologist.
[Editor’s comment: The company’s website states that (among other things), this product contains “JUICE CONCENTRATE BLEND – For good taste and nourishment. (White Grape Juice Concentrate, Cranberry Juice Concentrate, Concord Grape Juice Concentrate, Black Cherry Juice Concentrate)”. If the product is used as a supplement, these juices will most likely raise your daughter’s blood sugar.
Also, see Herbs and other Supplements, at the Diabetes Monitor.