March 26, 2001
Question from :
My seven year old granddaughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a week ago, and we are having trouble getting her blood sugar to level out. She is becoming very moody and hard to get along with. It doesn’t take much to get her upset. She is having a hard time controlling her temper. Is this a normal reaction to being diagnosed and getting her blood sugar stabilized?
It is quite common for children to become moody and irritable after the diagnosis of a chronic illness. However, that does not mean that these moods should be ignored. Her mood and behavior changes are letting you know that she’s struggling with the changes diabetes care has made in her life. She needs help to learn strategies to cope more effectively with the impact of diabetes in her life. See if your diabetes team has a mental health professional that can work with her, or if they can recommend someone for her. Often times, just a few sessions with someone expert in children and diabetes is all that is needed.