February 26, 2000
Other Illnesses
Question from Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA:
My son is 13 years old and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes several months ago. He is taking both Humalog and NPH twice daily.
Two weeks ago his hands started peeling from the fingertips down, and his feet are also peeling. He has a rash on his back that feels like goose bumps to the touch. His doctor did not think that this was related to his diabetes, however he has never had this problem before. We put an over-the-cream steroid skin cream as the doctor suggested but it did not help. He sees his doctor again soon, but I thought you might have some thoughts on this.
I would vote for a strep infection, likely as not. Strep is classic to make the hands and feet peel. Likewise, cold weather seems to make some kids “molt.” Either is not usually a problem.