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July 12, 2008

Behavior, Insulin Analogs

Question from Lansing, Illinois, USA:

My now six-year-old son has had type 1 for a little over two years. Since school’s been out, I’ve been noticing increased emotional outbreaks and complaints of headaches. When we test his sugar, he’s in the low 200s mg/dl [11.1 mmol/L]. I’ve noticed this since the change from Humalog to NovoLog. Is it possible that this is a reaction to the insulin?


From: DTeam Staff

Are you asking whether the headaches and emotional lability are related to changing from Humalog to NovoLog? The answer is not likely. If you are asking whether the glucose levels in the 200s during the spells might relate to the change, then it depends on what the levels were before the change. Humalog and NovoLog are VERY similar insulins with VERY similar actions and effects on blood glucose. For most all intents and purposes, they can be interchanged. But, they are different and it is possible that they affect your child’s blood glucoses slightly differently. If your child’s glucose values were much higher before the change in insulins, and are now in the 200s mg/dl [11.1 mmol/L], then the “relatively lower” glucose values could account for some of the symptoms you described.