Children with diabetes require medical care to remain healthy, and the need for medical care does not end while the child is at school. The following information is designed to help children with diabetes and their parents ensure that the whole child is well-cared for while they're at school.
This guide provides an outline for anyone involved in education and diabetes caregiving to use in designing a diabetes management program. The specific roles and actions that various staff need to perform are identified, and supporting materials are included. Each page can be displayed in a format that is easy to print, so you can […]
Read MoreThe Laws The rights of children with diabetes to care for their diabetes at school is based on the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA). These laws provide protection against discrimination for children with disabilities, including diabetes, in any program […]
Read MoreTeachers and childcare providers are likely to have a child with type 1 diabetes in their care at some point in their career. This page provides basic information about diabetes, offer suggestions for how to care for children with diabetes, and refers you to other sources of information. What is type 1 diabetes? Type 1 […]
Read MoreChildren with diabetes require medical care to remain healthy. The need for medical care does not end while the child is at school. Thus, while at school, each child with diabetes must be allowed to: Do blood sugar checks when and where they want Treat hypoglycemia with emergency sugar Inject insulin when necessary Eat snacks […]
Read MoreReview of The Laws: Section 504 and the IDEA Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 According to this law, parents of qualifying children have the right to develop a Section 504 plan with their child’s school. To qualify for protection under Section 504, a child must have a record of such impairment, or […]
Read MoreEach school reacts differently to children that need a little extra attention. And children with diabetes do need a little extra attention, especially when they are very young. If you are approaching your first school year with diabetes, here’s a list of things you should do before school starts: Meet with the school principal and […]
Read MoreWhen you send your child to school, you should include some kind of instructions for the teacher that describe what you expect of the teacher. The instructions should include a list of symptoms that your child exhibits when he or she is hypoglycemic, when you expect the child to perform blood glucose tests, and how […]
Read MoreDiabetes and Insulin Reactions By Pam Wilson We know that diabetes is caused by someone’s body losing its ability to make insulin. Children with diabetes need to take shots of insulin each day to let their bodies use the blood sugar (glucose) that feeds each cell and gives us energy to move and think. Our […]
Read MoreLiving on your own is a challenge for anyone. For people with diabetes, it is important that your roommates know about diabetes. Provided for you are two different ways to introduce some information. You may choose to send the letter or use the fact sheet as a starter for a discussion. From the Education and […]
Read MoreWhen you send your child to school, you should include some kind of instructions for the teacher that describe what you expect of the teacher. The instructions should include a list of symptoms that your child exhibits when he or she is hypoglycemic, when you expect the child to perform blood glucose tests, and how […]
Read MoreTo My Roommate: I need for you and other people around me to know that I have diabetes. However, I should not be and do not want to be treated differently. Things I want you to be familiar with about diabetes are in this letter. Usually my diabetes is under good control, but I may […]
Read MoreFact Sheet for a Roommate: I need for you and other people around me to know that I have diabetes. However, I should not be and do not want to be treated differently. Usually my diabetes is under good control, but I may have problems if my blood sugar gets too low or too high. […]
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