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From his mom, Tasha:

My son had been sick for a few days but on March 1, 2014, I thought his “stomach flu” was getting worse and thought if it wasn’t better by in the morning I would carry him to the hospital. Close to midnight something told me to check on him and I’m glad I did. He was pale, lethargic, and barely breathing. I didn’t wait for an ambulance — I rushed him to our local hospital. Early the next morning I was being told my son didn’t have a virus but had type 1 diabetes. He was in pretty bad shape so we were rushed to another hospital for the PICU to monitor him and bring his BG down slowly to avoid sending him into a coma. After several days in the hospital we were released to the new “normal” for a seven year old. We gained his best friend a year later, Luke, his diabetic alert dog. Luke just turned 10 himself and has started enjoying retirement. Teenage years have been the roughest due to Brayden wanting to hide his diabetes and be a normal kid.

Thriving with T1D
since 2014

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