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Joseph Lillegard

From his mom, Gwen:

This is my son Joseph Lillegard. He just turned 30 and is expecting his 1st child. His sister in the picture I attached was five when she was diagnosed and then Joseph two years later was diagnosed at 11 years old. They were also diagnosed with celiac shortly after. The teenage years were not forgiving as he suffered from depression and anxiety. They were very dark years in which we got everyone involved. We fought really hard for him for several years and he then fought for himself. He started working for Acres of Hope. This was found on Craigslist and he was chosen to work there. It is a 5 acre farmette owned by a nurse. They took in a vet who was injured fighting for our country. Joey would be on shifts there taking care of animals and a gentleman name Will. I believe working there brought him purpose. The picture attached is when he attended a GALA sponsored by JDRF at the Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He has come so far and I am beyond words as a mother of how much he has fought and conquered. He started working at the Milwaukee Public Schools as a janitor and has worked his way up to being an Engineer. This is just one of his greatest accomplishments as just getting him to school on a daily took legions of people involved in his life. This is my son..he is a gift. Thank you for listening. Gwen

Thriving with T1D
since 2004

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