A New Diagnosis
It’s Going To Be OK. You’ve Come To The Right Place.
Your child has just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. You’re home from the hospital. You can barely remember what you were told in the hospital. You’ve learned to measure and inject insulin and monitor blood glucose levels. Someone mentioned glucagon, but you’re not sure what that is. And there was something about measuring food. It’s overwhelming.
But amidst that chaos, you managed to get here, to Children with Diabetes.
And we're here to help. At all hours of the day, all days of the year, this community is here for you.
We know you have many questions. We understand. Children with Diabetes® was born out of our own personal and family experiences. We sat where you are nearly 30 years ago when our daughter, Marissa was diagnosed at the age of two and we needed to find answers. A lot has changed and today we know a lot more about care and management.
You aren't alone.

We Get It
In our 22 years, our team has grown to include leading, world-renowned clinicians, researchers, and physicians– most who have T1 themselves or are caregivers to T1 patients. When you see the CWD icon next to their photo, it means that the team member also has type 1 diabetes.
We Offer Several Ways To Help You Learn More
At CWD, you can discover information regarding questions about basic diabetes care, chat with other members of the community in our Forums section, learn about educational and connective experiences at our Friends for Life conferences, connect and hear shared stories, and get answers to your unique questions in our Ask the DTeam section. To learn more, go to our help page: