Living with Diabetes
Life After Diagnosis
A diabetes diagnosis can feel daunting, and adjusting to this new normal can have moments that are overwhelming.
You are not alone. Children With Diabetes is here for you to help you navigate hurdles and celebrate triumphs through education, community, and inspiration. Here, you'll find information on different ways to manage diabetes, resources for peer-to-peer support, and peer-reviewed science you can depend on for accurate, actionable information.
Check out these resources, and if you have a story about life with diabetes that you'd like to share, connect with us or join the discussion in our forums. We're here to help!

from CWD President & CWD Dad
Care Suggestions
"I am not a doctor — I’m just a parent who has cared for a child with diabetes since September, 1989. Here's my view of the best care practices as they apply to kids with type 1 diabetes."