
CWD News


Uniting Volunteer Superheroes: The 2025 CWD Team Leader Retreat

February 5, 2025

Imagine a weekend where the brightest minds in volunteer leadership come together to exchange ideas and recharge their diabetes fuel tanks. The 2025 CWD Volunteer Team Leader Retreat Weekend in Orlando, Florida brought together 50 of the most dedicated and innovative volunteer team leaders, creating a dynamic environment of collaboration, inspiration, and growth. Over two […]

A Day in the Life with Omnipod 5: Real User Experience with the System and App

February 5, 2025

We are so fortunate in the United States to have a variety of AID Systems to choose from. For many years, the options were very limited. Omnipod was founded in the year 2000 after a father of a boy with type 1 diabetes wanted a pump that was easier for his active child to wear.1 […]

TeamCWD’s Magical Miles: WDW Marathon Weekend Recap

January 22, 2025

Long before sunrise at Walt Disney World and wrapped in mylar, TeamCWD braved the uncharacteristically cold Florida temperatures to make our mark at the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend. With 100 runners donned in TeamCWD shirts and swag and spectators ready with smiley signs, we all came together with one mission in mind: Care Today, […]

Does Type 1 Diabetes Impact Fertility?

January 15, 2025

Growing up with type 1 diabetes, I heard a lot from my healthcare team about the risks of getting pregnant. I was told that if I did not have an A1C less than 6%, there were many risks to the fetus and that I was more likely to have a miscarriage. When I talk to […]

We Can Do Hard Things

January 8, 2025

In December 2024, I took my first completely solo trip. I have always been weary of traveling alone. First, I’m a whopping 5-foot-1-inch-tall woman, which causes me to feel vulnerable. Secondly, I worry about having a low where I need someone else’s help. These have held me back from certain things and I decided I […]

Disclosing a Diabetes Diagnosis: Building Trust and Understanding with Patients

December 10, 2024

Many people decide to go into a career related to diabetes once they have received a diagnosis for themselves or a loved one. When I was a teenager, I remember attending Friends for Life Orlando and meeting a diabetes educator with diabetes who taught us the reality of living as an adolescent with diabetes. This […]

Diabetes Without the Drama: How We Lightened the Load of Managing Our Health

December 9, 2024

As teenagers with diabetes, we can often feel the overwhelming challenge of trying to balance school, work, and academics, our friendships and relationships, sports and mental health all while staying on top of health routines and constant monitoring of our diabetes. Every person with diabetes has their own diagnosis story and eventually, we all get […]

A Series of Unfortunate Pump Events

December 4, 2024

The International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) recommends using automated insulin delivery (AID) systems as the standard of care. These systems have consistently been shown to help people with diabetes achieve their glucose goals. However, no system is perfect, and each has its own challenges. Here are some common issues that arise with […]

ATTD Asia Recap: CWD Roars in Singapore

December 4, 2024

Ni Hao! The Children with Diabetes team just returned from our most epic travel adventure yet…Singapore, the Lion City, and the 1st Asian Conference on Innovative Therapies for Diabetes Management (ATTD-Asia). We traveled halfway around the globe to meet with clinicians, diabetes care providers, researchers, industry partners, and people with diabetes who all share the […]

DIY Automated Insulin Delivery Systems: iAPS

November 27, 2024

Now that many commercially available automated insulin delivery (AID) systems are available worldwide, is there still a desire for open-source AID (OS-AID) systems? The short answer is yes, but what does that entail? I interviewed Dr. Rayhan Lal, a dual-trained adult and pediatric endocrinologist at Stanford University and a PWD, to understand what is available. […]
