Uniting Volunteer Superheroes: The 2025 CWD Team Leader Retreat
Imagine a weekend where the brightest minds in volunteer leadership come together to exchange ideas and recharge their diabetes fuel tanks. The 2025 CWD Volunteer Team Leader Retreat Weekend in Orlando, Florida brought together 50 of the most dedicated and innovative volunteer team leaders, creating a dynamic environment of collaboration, inspiration, and growth. Over two […]
A Day in the Life with Omnipod 5: Real User Experience with the System and App
We are so fortunate in the United States to have a variety of AID Systems to choose from. For many years, the options were very limited. Omnipod was founded in the year 2000 after a father of a boy with type 1 diabetes wanted a pump that was easier for his active child to wear.1 […]
Super Bolus – A Game Changer in Diabetes Care
Most of us are familiar with the Super Bowl, but you may not be familiar with a super bolus. Here is all you need to know about this relatively new concept in diabetes care. What is a super bolus? A super bolus is a 1.5x normal pre-meal dose of insulin and suspension of basal insulin […]
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Current CWD Answers Question
Question from Texas, USA:
How can I help my daughter who is going low on 0.5 units of Humalog?
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