Balancing Diabetes: Conversations about finding happiness and living well

Kerri Sparling

When a person receives a diagnosis of diabetes, he or she starts a process of adjusting and making sense of the new normal living with a chronic disease. A large part of that adjustment is figuring out how to balance diabetes with all the intricacies of a life outside of diabetes care. In Balancing Diabetes, diabetes online community blogger Kerri Sparling compiles strategies used by people with diabetes and their caregivers to bring that elusive balance into their lives. Whether adult or child, type 1 or type 2, spouse or caregiver, male or female, people in the diabetes world will find themselves in this book and be inspired by the commonality of that continuing search for balance.

There are many medical books about how to manage type 1 diabetes, but there are precious few books on what is much more important — how to live a full, happy life with type 1 diabetes. With Balancing Diabetes, Kerri Sparling reaches out to the real experts — people living with type 1 diabetes — to bring perspective to the challenges of living well with type 1. It is in the wisdom of these experts that we come to realize, as Kerri so eloquently reminds us, “Life with diabetes isn’t about the diabetes itself, but about the life of which it’s a part.” Balancing Diabetes belongs in the home of everyone with type 1. Highly recommended.

Published by Spry Publishing, 2014. ISBN 1938170377. Paperback, 200 pages. $16.95.2014

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