

How does a toddler being diagnosed with diabetes affect their behavior?

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I am a school nurse, and I have a 15 year old severely noncompliant student who manipulates his diabetes. He is completely out of control at home and in school. Can you make a few recommendations?

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I’m 16 years old and, I’ve had diabetes for awhile. I’m still not under control. I’ve done nothing right at all and I’m starting to scare myself.

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My 14 year old daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes two and a half years ago. She constantly has fatigue, stomach pain and high blood sugars.it seems no matter what she does she can’t get her blood sugars to stay down for more than maybe one day at the most. Could the fatigue, stomach pain and high blood sugars be related so something other than her diabetes?

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My 23 year old boyfriend has type 1 diabetes and is very out of control right now so I am concerned. His blood sugars are anywhere from 73 to 579 mg/dl [4.1 to 32.2 mmol/L]. How often should he check his blood glucose? What times are best? How can he get his diabetes more regulated?

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My little girl has type 1 diabetes and wild mood swings. Are there any articles out there dedicated to the extreme mood swings of children with diabetes?

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My 14 year old son does not always tells the truth about his care. I think he is altering the date and time when he is not taking care of himself and blaming it on a malfunctioning meter. I am looking for a meter that once you put in the date and time it is permanent and cannot ever be changed. Is there such a meter?

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My 13 year old daughter rebels by not taking shots or tests and eating whatever she wants. She doesn’t care if there are side effects and says she doesn’t care if she dies. I am at a loss as to what to do other than wait and see where I can reconnect. What do you suggest I do?

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I am 15 and was diagnosed 4 years ago. At first I was okay with everything. But in the past 6 months I’ve become more upset and worried over this disease. My friends have said they’ve noticed a change in my attitude lately. What could be causing my attitude change all of the sudden?

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My daughter is 16 years old. She was diagnosed at age 8. Four years ago, she started taking extra insulin and eating inappropriately. She spent the next two years in counseling. Then she started taking huge doses of Regular insulin (up to 100 units). She was in insulin shock 3-4 times per week.

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