
Insulin Pumps

We will be traveling at the end of the month to Ireland with my five year old daughter who has diabetes. Do you have any knowledge about how Type 1 diabetes is treated in Ireland?

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We have been considering the use of the insulin pump to help control our six year old son’s blood sugars, but are alarmed at the fact that DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) occurs twice as much (or twice as often) in pump users. Are there any steps being taken to help correct this situation?

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My 27 year old son has had diabetes since age nine. He is active physically and thinks the pump would cramp his lifestyle. In the meantime he has lows at 11 am and 11 pm. He is recently married and thinks the pump would be a detriment to spontaneous, joyful sex.

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My son has a burning rash under every site, and the dressings fall off. We need an adhesive dressing that doesn’t burn and will stick. Do you recommend one for this particular problem?

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Are there any implantable insulin pumps on the market?

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My 10 year old son, diagnosed with type 1 diabetes about nine months ago, started the pump recently but had to discontinue due to severe contact dermatitis reactions to the tape adhesives.

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My 28 year old daughter has had type 1 diabetes since birth, and she recently went on the insulin pump, but finds that her 3:00 am blood sugar is always above 220 mg/dl [12.2 mmol/L], regardless of her bedtime reading. Any clues?

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I use an insulin pump, and it started hurting so I took it out. Now the site is puffed up, red, and hurts. What can I do about this?

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I am a mother of an 11 year old boy who has had type 1 since the age of 3. He developed acute pancreatitis last year and was on TPN for almost 4 months. A lot of the professional people that work with us suggest going to the pump to try and keep him under better control.

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Are insulin pumps available in Britain?

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